martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

Topic 20 Activities

Topic 20.- Vocabulary Presentations

Writing folder 10 emails

Topic 20.- Topic set crime

Topic 20.- Gerunds and infinitives

Topic 20.- Detecting a crime

Anthony Curcio Bank Heist

Top 10 Most Notorious Criminals of all time

Topic 20.- No place to hide

Topic 19 Activities

Topic 19.- Vocabulary Presentations

Topic 19.- Multiple choice - fiction

Topic 19.- Yoga

What is yoga?

Topic 19.- Alternative medicine

Alternative and conventional medicine labels

How does Acupunture work?

Topic 19.- Phrases with on

Topic 19.- Parts of the body

Topic 19.- Advice and suggestion

Topic 19.- An apple a day...

Eat one apple a day, see what happens to your body video

Topic 18 Activities

Topic 18.- Vocabulary Presentations

Writing folder 9.- Writing Reviews

Topic 18.- The use of enough, too, very, so and such.

Topic 18.- Books Genres

Book genres


Topic 18.- Phrasal verbs with come and go

Topic 18.- The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh

A review about The Hungry Tide

Topic 18.- Books turned into movies

Top 10 movies you didn't know were based on books.

Top 10 Stephen King adaptations

Exam folder 9.- Gapped text and the Meccanno bridge

Topic 17 Activities

Topic 17.- Vocabulary Presentations

Topic 17.- Word formation

Topic 17.- Relative clauses

You're the one that I want Song video

You're the one that I want - Relative clauses video

Topic 17.- Phrasal Verbs and expressions with look

Topic 17.- Collectors and creators

The World's craziest collectors